dental practitioner中文什么意思

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  1. Anyone who wishes to practice dentistry in ireland must be registered on the register of dental practitioners
    任何希望在爱尔兰从事牙医工作的人都必须在牙科执业医师登记处( register of dental practicioners )登记。
  2. Through the public education efforts of the department of health , dental practitioners and many of our good partners in the community , many people here , i believe , already know that an effective way to keep our gum healthy is to clean the adjacent tooth surfaces with dental floss
    所以我们须注意保护牙齿,避免患上牙周病。 ?生署、牙医和各有关方面一直都有向市民灌输护齿的常识,所以我相信在座不少人都已知道,使用牙线清洁牙缝是有效保护牙齿的方法。
  3. Dental cobalt - chromium alloy casting as cobalt - chromium alloy , my company ' s current production of cobalt chromium alloy to form a rigid cylindrical , rectangular soft for two , mainly for dental patients with tooth loss or defect repair , organize and dense , strong corrosion resistance , biocompatibility , and good liquidity , easy casting , casting and polishing a hard flexible , white aesthetic characteristics of the dental practitioner ' s the ideal dental restoration materials
  4. If the dental problems of a patient are considered to be suitable for teaching purposes after screening , the patient will receive treatment as a tp , and are required to pay nominal fees only . as to pfpps , they must be referred by registered medical or dental practitioners and are required to pay higher consultation fees than tps


  1. a person qualified to practice dentistry
    同义词:dentist, tooth doctor


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  2. dental plombage 什么意思
  3. dental polyp 什么意思
  4. dental porcelain 什么意思
  5. dental powder 什么意思
  6. dental precentive treatment 什么意思
  7. dental preventive treatment 什么意思
  8. dental primary groove 什么意思
  9. dental probe 什么意思
  10. dental problems 什么意思


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